Full terms for the provision of product information on this website

1. We are able to provide you with product information (ingredients, allergen information and images) for use by you in your business. Such information is always provided on the basis below. 

2. As any product information and images provided to you by us will have been received from the manufacturer/ supplier of the product, we are not able to (and do not) give any warranty as to product information received from product manufacturers or suppliers. We will always accurately transmit such information as it is received.

3. As the manufacturer/supplier could change the product ingredients/ allergens at any time, we recommend that you check regularly with us for up-to-date product information. You should refer to the packaging at all times.

4. You should not alter the product information in any way. If, however, you choose to do so, we accept no responsibility for any such alteration and you will undertake the warranty and risk associated with this action.

5. You agree to use the product information and images only for the purposes of your business.

6. Unless we agree otherwise in writing you may not transfer, post or transmit any of the information received to anyone else (other than where you might be required to do so by law including  to final consumers of the products).

7. Should you wish to store product information on separate software, the 3rd party software suppliers must sign a Data Use Agreement which will be available from our Advice Centre - company@wetrade.sk. In addition, you will ensure the information may only be made available to our current customers.

8. Should you employ a 3rd party contractor, such as a Nutritionist, they must be aware of these terms and the Data Use Agreement.

9. Where you access and/or download the product information from a website you must comply (in addition) with any applicable website terms and conditions.

10. Please be aware that a gap may exist where information is not available to us.